Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Week with Charles, part 1

It's a Cracker Barrel fire!

Charles arrived late Christmas evening following his services in Iraan and McCamey.  It was so good to have him home in Georgia!

On Monday, we went to see "The Muppet Movie," a really good movie!  Charles has all the Muppet tv shows and movies and we had wanted to see this when it first came out. We had such a good time with an added bonus of a coke machine that was a hoot to use.  It had over a hundred different combinations and while we didn't try them all it was fun to try the ones we did.

On Tuesday, we ran errands and looked at some apartments for us to live in here in Columbus.  We also got a Georgia license plate for the Toyota, the third state we've had plates from (the others being Nebraska and Texas) on this car.