Friday, November 18, 2011

From Selma, AL to Columbus, GA!

We woke up in a chilly (for us) Selma, Alabama this morning and got ourselves out and about to explore some of this historic town.  We stopped by the Church St. UMC, a 175 year-old congregation and met the pastor and got to see the beautiful sanctuary.

After stopping by the Chamber of Commerce (housed in a former Carnegie Library building), we set off on a self-guided auto tour of the historic area.  Such beautiful places!  We also took in the very interesting National Voting Rights Museum in Selma, an important reminder of this important legacy of the civil rights movement.

After sitting through a major traffic tie-up on I-85 outside of Montomery we managed to get to Columbus and get Belinda settled into her temporary apartment.  She'll be in this apartment until mid-January and then we'll just see what is available!

After supper at the Columbus Cracker Barrel (yes, Belinda is thrilled!) we returned to finish settling into the apartment and unpacking.  Tomorrow will be more orienting Belinda to the area and a bit of sight-seeing.